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Steps To Become An MDSR Practitioner 

6 Week Group MDSR Course:


Step 1:

Sign up for our 6 weeks online group course.

This is a Live Zoom call provided by Katie or a certified practitioner, that is available once a week for 6 weeks covering different subject, to ensure you have the knowledge to protect yourself only.

Zoom calls will be recorded and provided as email requested.

An easy to follow online quiz will be given at the end of the 6 weeks to assess knowledge learned. 


Step 2:

3 day mediumship course.

This is a course for those who have completed the 6 week course or are a certified facilitator who wishes to become a medium.

It is a mediumship course connected only to MDSR techniques.


The 3 days are spread out over a few weeks, so the students can practice techniques and connect with their team.


Alternately a course is provided for people that want to be facilitators and that are not ready to become a medium. In this 3 day course you will learn what to do to safely manage clearings.


3 day course learning how to navigate a clearing and work in groups of 3, medium, facilitator and spirit. 


Step 3:

6 weeks practical training course  working in groups of 3 (medium, facilitator and transcriber)

After this course you are welcome to join our free weekly training meetings on Zoom.


Step 4:

15 practical cases working in groups of 3 (medium, facilitator and transcriber)

The cases that you do during the 6 weeks course (and our weekly training meetings) are included in these 15 cases.


Step 5: 

5 practical cases as a medium or a facilitator with a certified practitioner

Mentorship 1:1 Program 

Step 1:

 3 day intensive course theory course.


This is a Live Zoom call provided by Katie.

You will have the knowledge to protect yourself, mediumship skills for clearing and opportunity to advance yourself to a certified practitioners.

This program is tailored to you whether you learn the tools to help clear yourself and your family or become a certified practitioner. We adapt your learning program to transition you from start to end with support from our certified Practitioners.

An online question and answer to test knowledge learned on the three day training.

Step 2:

15 practical cases working with a facilitator and supervised with a certified practitioner. Free weekly live zoom meetings offered for practical training (1hr each session) or you can pay to join 6 week practical course training.(2hr each session) The cases that you do during the 6 weeks course or during the free practical training are then included in these 15 cases.


Step 3:

5 practical cases assessed with a certified practitioner.


Step 4: 

A Journal journey through this transition is required for certification.

In Person Group Training Course​

Step 1:

3 days intensive in-person group course

where you will come together as a community to build all the knowledge needed to help clear ourselves or advance on to becoming a certified practitioner (optional 1 day extra with practical sessions)

​​An online question and answer to test knowledge learned on the three day training.


Step 2:

15 practical cases working in groups of 3 (medium, facilitator and transcriber)

The cases that you do during the 6 weeks course or during the free practical training are then included in these 15 cases.

Free weekly live zoom meetings offered for practical training (1hr each session) or you can pay to join 6 week practical course training.(2hr each session)

Step 3:

5 practical cases with a certified practitioner


Step 4: 

A Journal journey through this transition is required for certification.



My spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional.

This energy work is for entertainment purposes.

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